Relive the Shift Happen Summit, a transformative event focused on driving innovation and progress in gender equity and women's empowerment.

Responding to the fall of Roe, DOSW launched the San Francisco Bay Area Abortion Rights Coalition (BAARC) to ensure a regional haven for individuals seeking abortion care. Read our in-depth report on abortion access and policy recommendations.

Per the City’s Charter, the memberships of all San Francisco Boards & Commissions are examined biennially to assess how local communities are represented on these crucial oversight bodies. Dive into the details and our recommendations.

The report details the number and types of human trafficking cases reported and identified in San Francisco for years 2022 and 2023. Data was collected from 18 agencies and community-based organizations, and 2,501 cases of human trafficking were reported.

Executive Summary
This executive summary outlines the strategic objectives and initiatives that will guide our work over the next two fiscal years and beyond. The Department’s approach has been endorsed by the Commission and aligns with the Mayor’s budget and policy priorities.
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Strategic Plan
The Department on the Status of Women is committed to advancing equity and empowering women in all areas of life. This strategic plan outlines our key objectives and initiatives for the coming years, focusing on creating systemic change through policy development, advocacy, and community engagement. Our approach is informed by data, driven by collaboration, and aligned with the broader goals set by city leadership. We are dedicated to ensuring that the priorities outlined in this plan lead to meaningful progress for women and girls across our community."
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