List of Resources
San Francisco gender-based violence resources
Resources for people experiencing gender-based violence in San Francisco.
You are not alone. Reach out for help if your partner or someone in your life is:
Putting you down
Hurting you
Threatening you
Making you feel afraid
In the event of a life-threatening emergency, please call 911
If it is not safe for you to call 911, you can text 911.
For a full list of resources please visit:
Find a Bank Account with Bank On San Francisco
Bank On San Francisco helps you find a safe, affordable bank account, with no overdraft or hidden fees. It doesn't matter how much money you have, if you don't have a social security number or California ID or if you've had trouble banking in the past. Features of Bank On accounts include: no overdraft or hidden fees, no minumum balance required and more.
San Francisco's Kindergarten to College (K2C)
In Spring 2011, the City and County of San Francisco launched the first, publicy funded universal Children's Savings Account (CSA) program in the country. Kindergarten to College opens a savings account for every child entering kindergarten in the City's public schools, putting students on a path to college from their first day of school.
CalHOPE Program
CalHOPE offers free and secure mental health resources for you and your loved ones, such as mental health education, crisis counseling, peer support services and support groups, traditional healing services and case management and referral.