

Civic Engagement & Political Empowerment


An illustration of a large ballot with 2 people in front

Benefiting from democracy only happens when citizens and residents are active, engaged, and educated to leverage the tools available to make an impact in their communities. 

Whether it’s getting elected to public office, appointed to a board or commission, forming an advocacy group, or even starting a ballot measure effort, the pathway to change for women, girls and nonbinary people starts with education and engagement. That means going to the places and spaces and meeting people where they’re at, as well as investing in and listening to not just their ideas, but their proposed solutions too. 

This core service area includes the Department’s annual flagship policy summit, SHIFT Happens, as well as a host of trainings, educational workshops and public service campaigns, with the goal of getting women, girls and nonbinary people organized, registered to vote, educated on critical issues and actively participating at all levels of government. 

In the lead up to the 2022 midterm elections, DOSW partnered with Ignite National to launch the Ignite-the-Vote San Francisco campaign aimed at getting high school girls and other students registered to vote and inspired to turnout. The Department also worked with She-The-People to produce the limited video series: “Step Into Your Power” that highlighted a selection of women-of-color community and elected leaders to inspire the next generation.

We can’t expect changemakers to appear suddenly without cultivation, development and investment in both outreach and collaboration with those missing voices. The Department aims to support programming that is not only culturally competent, but socially relevant in the lives of everyday San Franciscans. 

The importance of creating content that inspires women, girls and nonbinary people to dream big and believe in themselves and to know their own limitless potential cannot be overstated.

Our Civic Engagement & Political Empowerment Programs & Initiatives

Word cloud on female reproductive rights
Abortion Rights

The Dobbs ruling has turned issues of abortion rights and reproductive freedoms on their heads for all people, especially for those who become pregnant.

Illustration of different people filling out a form
Election Survey Project

2022 saw one of the most historic elections in our nation’s history, which included the President’s Party gaining a seat in the Senate, a near even split between both Parties in Congress and women getting elected in increased numbers across the country, including the highest number of female gove

Shift Happens
Shift Happens Women's Policy Summit

With its debut in Spring of 2023, the Department hosted San Francisco’s Inaugural Women’s Policy Summit – SHIFT Happens: Shifting Narratives, Policies and Culture to Create a Gender Equitable Future. 



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