Mayor's Task Force on Anti-Human Trafficking


The Department proudly serves as the lead agency for the Mayor’s Taskforce on Anti-Human Trafficking. Having been paused during the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2021, the Department on the Status of Women reignited the Taskforce by hosting a series of discussions according to organizational type and focus and subject matter expertise to help shape how it could make the greatest and most meaningful impact. 

In 2023, the Department updated the Human Trafficking in San Francisco Report, continued to build and strengthen relationships in the broader antitrafficking community and expanded its reach and impact. 

In addition to its role with the Mayor’s Taskforce, the Department also leads a large coalition of organizations to address the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) in San Francisco. In December of 2022, DOSW concluded the first iteration of the San Francisco SOL (Safety, Opportunities and Lifelong Relationships) Collaborative, which was originally funded in 2019 through a $9.3M grant from the California Department of Social Services. 

Because of the initiative’s success, the State awarded the Department another $7M grant beginning in January of 2023 to continue the project for another three years, including the addition of new innovations around housing for youth currently being trafficked.



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